Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Journey Through Doors with Gaeby and Kelsey....or As One Door Closes, Another Door Opens.

Here is a picture of each door within the Castle that I pass on a regular basis, whether it's walking to the Castle from res (6 minutes away by foot), going to class, or listening to people play the piano.

First, the door we use to enter the Castle. We use the side door because the front door (at the end of the bridge) is only open when the Pub is open.
Next, the second door, which is immediately inside the first. It is this door that requires a secret code that we punch into that white box. I can't even tell you how many numbers it is, it's that secret. Note Gaeby and Kelsey in the windows. 
Straight ahead is the door that leads to what I call the Quad of the Castle (to all King's students, think 'Quad'). This little outside hallway takes us towards our classrooms.
Next we see the door at the end of the tunnel. This is a heavy door and requires a slight inclination of the body (think pushing yourself against the door) in order to open.
After entering through this door, you meet three doors. One is directly in front, and there is one on either side. You take the door on your right (this is becoming like a choose your own adventure, but with doors...and I'm choosing). 
You pass through a hallway decorated with portraits of previous Castle classes from every semester and from decades past. The doors that you pass as you walk down this hallway are of no use to you and only prolong your journey. Honestly, if it wasn't for all these doors I'd arrive on time every time.
After walking through the door above, you come to this door. Congratulations! You made it to the Dacre Room (aka Seminar 3). This is where I am taught British Autobiography with Christian Lloyd (who is a fantastic prof and totally in with all cool things Peep Show). 

Unfortunately it's not a Wednesday and we must carry on. Next door!

At this point you can see there is less sunlight. We are entering deep into the heart of the Castle. Look right to check out this decorated door. I think it leads outside into the Castle Quad, but I can't be certain as it is always maybe that's just what they want us to think. Perhaps we should be suspicious.
Hurray! You've reached Seminar 4, where I have Children's Literature (aka Harry Potter class) and Jacobean Shakespeare.
But our journey doesn't stop here! Let's see what else we can find. Oooooooooo! An old black and white map of the Castle in relation to other places in Hastings (which is the name of the larger area).
Another curiously bolted up door on your right...
Then we come to this grand room with a grand fireplace surrounded by grand tapestries...a welcome change to all those dark dank claustrophobic hallways, right? So full of sunlight and happiness!
Here is the view from the other side. See where we came in? Also, you could definitely roast a couple pigs in that fireplace.
How about a little piano music? Kelsey is on it! Playing favourites of David Bowie and the Titanic theme song. The sound fills the entire room and filters out into the hallways. Don't forget to look up and admire the stunning ceiling, or the lions on the railings (they each carry a shield).
Moving on, we pass through the doorway that I have my back to in the above photo. Here is what it looks like from the other side. Note how short people used to be.
We have now made almost a complete circle around the Castle Quad. This next glass door reveals a tree lined stone path that cuts across the middle of the Quad to enable students access to other parts of the Castle without stepping on the grass. Grass stepping is strictly prohibited for obvious reasons.....
And finally we come to our greatest discovery yet. A tiny door within the larger door that is at the end of the bridge! We don't think we're actually suppose to know about this small door since the main door part is usually this was a very exciting find indeed. Just look how small it is!
Thanks to some editing skills, this next picture shows us the full scale of the giant door and the dwarf door in comparison. And there I am basking in the (rare) sunshine upon the bridge.
We locked up that door once more and continued on our journey of doors. To make a complete circle around the Quad we'd have to enter the Pub, but it was locked (understandable for 2pm on a Thursday) so we entered the Quad instead. Here is the door that leads up a flight of oh-so-steep steps and into the classroom where I learn Art History.
Turning around 180˚, we follow the stone path and directly in front of us is the grand entrance to the Castle library. To enter the library one must share the knowledge of yet a second code, but as you already know I simply cannot tell. You might recognize this stone walkway from our earlier journey towards the classrooms. We have cut across the Quad.
And now we depart the way we've come. Looking back as we leave the Castle behind, you notice a small door on the other side of the moat. It is impossible to reach without breaking some kind of rule. Where does it lead? To the dungeons? You wonder how you can get down there without getting caught...
Now we've reached the end of our door tour. Below is a photo of the moat curving around the Castle. I guess moats act as another kind of door since they are meant to make it more difficult for you to get from one point to another...
OK LAST ONE I PROMISE. This is the view from my window in res. Best view in Bader Hall? I think so.


  1. Cool Doors. I like the woody, carvy, oldy ones.

    - Jamie

  2. AM I the FIRST PERSON to Comment? VARSITY!

  3. I just realized I'm not. Freshman...

  4. It's a post about doors! Yet I love it, well done! & Glad I found your blog!
