Thursday, January 13, 2011


Such a fun night on Tuesday! Remember how the theme was "Who Are You" ? Well I dressed up as a peacock. I had a mask, and then the colours were exactly like this dress I have, so really it was perfect. Here is a picture of me with all my new Castle friends:

I ended up on a wild night walk through the Castle gardens with the girl on the very left, Kelsey, and the guy on the very right, Jeremy (with the mo-hawk). We came across a mysterious building, half house half gate, which we took the liberty to enter and explore. Jeremy said it was the Lord's House - and he would know because he's been here for a semester already. Sounds like some kind of House of God...maybe that's where the spirits the ghost of the Headless Drummer...actually now that I think about it the door did open mysteriously of its own accord when I approached it. This Castle keeps getting more and more fascinating. I think I'm on to something! But I can't tell you about it just yet.

Today Gaeby and I re-explored the path that I'd taken on that crazy night and we saw that on the map the house was labeled as the Folly House. According to Jeff, our wise and blue-haired guru, the early owners of the Castle built small structures like that to make it seem like they had more houses on their property. Those who passed by would see such houses and think that the estate was more wealthy and populated than it actually was. The gardens reminded me of scenes from the Secret Garden and the gnarly trees (gnarly!!) reminded me of Pan's Labyrinth. This one tree was entirely hollow on the inside, and I thought that when I stood inside I might fall into a secret passage and land in a world like where Totoro lives (from My Neighbour Totoro). That didn't happen, as you can see:

Pretty gnarly, eh? It did shield me from the rain.

Last night Team Upper Year (that's what my friends and I call ourselves, just to distinguish us from the rest of the students..we're not pretentious or anything...) watched Muppet's Treasure Island, and it was Oh So Good. I'd forgotten what Tim Curry looked like dressed as a pirate captain (Oh So Good).

Tonight we thought we'd continue our education in British accents and lifestyle (not that all Brits are pirates...) with some episodes of Peep Show. It's a British comedy about these two guys who are roommates. We learned such slang as "You idiotic boob", "You tit", and "I'm not a F*#! jar". Already you can tell what kind of show this the librarian said when we rented it from the library, it's the kind of show that makes you cringe.

Tomorrow we're going to Brighton for the day, and then it's London calling. I hear Halifax has loads of snow. As much as my Canadian self would love to join in on the snowball fights and toboganning, I'm happy to leave my toque and mitts behind for the time being. Although there was a huge dump of snow here at the Castle before the holidays...and there's a chance we haven't seen the last of it. DUN DUN DUNNNNN (so many mysteries to solve - I feel like Scooby-Doo!)

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